I never watch Fox news, not like i used to watch some of the networks just to see what's going on in the general media, to see how average people are getting their news fed to them, and why they think of the days political events as they do. But Several years ago after seeing that documentary OUTFOXED i thought, well at least now they've been exposed for the shit that they so obviously are.... No such luck, fucking idiots keep on telling their stories and fucking idiots still go on believing them.
I was watching Jon Stewart on The Daily Show earlier (this past Thursday's episode online), and he was showing some clips of some of the stupid shit they said the day before, and it really is beyond my belief that people can actually watch and believe this stuff. I watched Bill O'Reilly once when some one i knew went on the show, obviously just being a media whore to promote something to people who don't give a fuck about anything he would say anyway, just giving the scum-bag-lying-sack-of-shit O'Reilly credibility for him showing up ("see we have liberals on our show" - hardly!), and of course it was pathetic. but at least cordial. That said, if you look on line for evidence or even at the last time that sack of shit was on David Letterman it's obvious that anyone who thinks for their self or has more than half a brain would NEVER watch this ass or Hannity or any of the slightly more subtle sacks-of-shit they got lying constantly over there.
The reason I am stating this obvious here is that i really think if you know anyone who still watches "Faux News" (because it just came on after some funny Fox network lead-in, or they really like to be scared into not thinking) YOU MUST tell them how fucking stupid they are, or are further becoming by watching these assholes. Don't let'em slide, even if it's your parents. It's time for a bit of a change now in this country and they just can't bare it. I'm thinking within' the next four years these fuckers will just have to cut off their "news" organization completely. Rush Limbaugh too, they should all get their tongues cut out!
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