So just as many did after the Bush election debacle, I am calling for our national politicians to seriously consider a way to split this country in two. Red states take way more federal dollars than they give (speaking of Socialism- I WISH!), they won't last too long without us and even if they could or did, that's fine with me, I'm just sick of them dragging this country down as they do. Hating, and threatening, over and over again, with fear mongering that's sick and pathetic, not to mention incredibly greedy or just plain ignorant. LOSERS like Beck, Rush, Palin, Coulter, and the politicians not putting them in their place? You all should be at the least ashamed, because I know you know better, as fucked as you all are, you're just taking advantage of the ignorance that's out there, it's disgusting. This weeks death threats to people who support Health Care reform? Tea party ignoramouses calling supporters of this legislation "Nigger" and "Faggot", breaking windows of HEALTH CARE SUPPORTERS!?! Your time is over and has been for a long time. So now if you really want it your way, please go speak to your representatives in the government, speak to those people who follow you and let's get this ball moving, let's do it without violence and get it done. You want it, we want it, let's just get it done once and for all, all the liberals, intellectuals, democrats, greens, and progressives in one place and all the greedy bastards, bitches, and stupid motherfuckers that follow them in another. I'm ready, let's go! (apologies to my friends and the free thinkers in places like Austin, TX surrounded by the loons, i'm sorry, you'll probably have to move, but it will be worth it, we'll have single payer health care, financial regulation, jobs and all without polluting the environment, correct?)
ANYWAY- here's a bit of the cover story from the new issue of The Nation magazine:

by RICHARD KIMThis cover story continues at The Nation here.
Leftists like to say that another world is possible, but I was never quite sure of that until I started reading tea party websites. There, a government of leftists is not only possible, it's on the cusp of seizing permanent power, having broken American capitalism and replaced it with a socialist state. Down that rabbit hole, Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel are communists, and "The Left"--which encompasses everyone from the Democratic Leadership Council to Maoist sectarians--is a disciplined and near omnipotent army marching in lockstep to a decades-old master plan for domination called the "Cloward-Piven strategy" or, as of January 20, 2009, "Cloward-Piven government."
What is this plot? According to David Horowitz, who apparently coined the expression, Cloward-Piven is "the strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis." Named after sociologists and antipoverty and voting rights activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, who first elucidated it in a May 2, 1966, article for The Nation called "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty," the Cloward-Piven strategy, in Horowitz's words, "seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse." Like a fun-house-mirror version of Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine theory, the Cloward-Piven strategy dictates that the left will exploit that crisis to push through unpopular, socialist policies in a totalitarian manner.
Since Obama's election and the financial crash of 2008, Horowitz's description has been taken up by a clutch of tea party propagandists--from TV and radio hosts Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin to WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah, National Review editor Stanley Kurtz and The Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi--to explain how both events could have happened, here, in the U-S-A. In their historical narrative, it was Cloward and Piven's article that gave ACORN the idea to start peddling subprime mortgages to poor minorities in the 1980s, knowingly laying the groundwork for a global economic meltdown nearly thirty years later. Beck calls Cloward and Piven the two people who are "fundamentally responsible for the unsustainability and possible collapse of our economic system." It was Cloward and Piven who had the diabolical idea of registering (illegal or nonexistent) poor and minority voters through Project Vote and the Motor Voter Act, thus guaranteeing Obama's "fraudulent" victory. And it is the Cloward-Piven strategy that guides the Obama administration's every move to this day, as it seeks to ram through healthcare reform, economic stimulus and financial regulation (all of which, in reality, have enjoyed majority support in many polls taken during the last two years).
Listen to some of the folks who left messages for Rep. Stupak after the health bill passed:
I like this post, very informative. thank you =)
ReplyDeleteWhat about the ignorant, selfish, greedy, crooked, despicable, brainwashed, pussyfooted, inept, careless, blindfolded, mudslinging, bubblewrapped babybrained adults who are registered Democrats and Green Party members? They get a free pass even though THEY are just as dumb to the real fucking issues as any conservative? Do they get to benefit from everyone else's hard work just as they have their entire life?
ReplyDeleteDon't generalize the issue. There are people who voted for Obama just because he's black and there are people who voted for McKinney just because she's a woman. That doesn't sounds like a clutch of very socio-politically responsible people now does it?
You're going to have to denounce all of the idiots, not just the ones who aren't on your side during kickball. They're just as fucking responsible for the ugliness and hatred as the conservatives are. You have 10 rednecks screaming Nigger and Faggot at the top of their lungs at Health Care Supporters over there, you have 10 crack addicts and gangbangers robbing and stabbing Education Reform supporters over here.
Read 'Atlas Shrugged'. Just one time. You're going to get more done with the Intelligent and Progressive than the brainwashed, TV dependent sheeple goons toting around cards with (R) (D) or (G) on them. Remember, Obama doesn't support same-sex marriage and neither does Biden.
Who you going to turn to once THAT issue is up to bat?
NO ONE gets a free pass, but for you to compare the idiots on the left to those on the right (inciting violence) shows you're just trying to stir shit particularly with your racist/classist baiting comparison, there is no comparison, and obviously i am generalizing. I never have supported Obama 100% ever, he deserves our critique everyday, but this stuff, c'mon man, stop it.
ReplyDeleteMight have to include the Canadian province of Alberta in the New Jesusland though, going by how they vote. Coulter spoke in Calgary recently and got cheered for suggesting them as a 51st state.
ReplyDeleteI say we need a good old fashion WAR! I am FUCKEN DONE WITH LOONIES!!!