Thursday, June 22, 2017


from The Surfers journal

Introducing Globe's ELECTRIC BLUE HEAVEN, a short, conceptual film featuring Dion Agius in the WORLD'S BEST WAVE POOL! Read on to know more...
A few weeks back, Dion Agius and crew embarked on a journey to an unknown land. A journey for waves. A journey that would bring Dion to unleash on the world's best man made wave. A studio for surfing. Smack in the middle of a desert mountain range in a foreign land.
There was a concept. A concept involving 10 Russian models, a Lamborghini, and Dion boosting virtually every air in the book, plus a couple new ones. Electric blue water contrasting against wild mountainous backdrops.
A story was captured. Captured through the lenses of Joe G, DJ Struntz, Beren Hall, and Grady Archbold. Motion & Still. Film & HD. The story will be told through the pages of our global media partners and through this short film directed by Joe G.


  1. :girls are ornaments and guys get to have all the fun, same 'ol, same 'ol, just another over-produced pretty anachronism with some desperate stabs at profundity that hardly mask the over-riding vacuity.
    My expectations are shattered, your blog undermined.
    whatev whatev...

    1. you are correct, i probably should not have posted this - i was looking at the insane wavepool and photography overall... the director made some poor choices... some times i am desperate for content, this was one of those cases obviously... my expectations are shattered almost continuously - but i don't give up - hope you don't. peacE.
