The first time the Beastie Boys ever came to Los Angeles as a group they were opening for Madonna on her "Like A Virgin Tour". They were virtually unknown, I had just finished my bout with Suicidal Tendencies (as their producer/manager/photographer) about 6 months earlier, and was excited to have someone i actually knew who was involved in Hip-Hop's inner circle that was just forming. So I showed them all over town, they knew no one, I got them on
Rodney Bingenheimer's original radio show from back stage at Madonna's show, phoning in, Rodney refused to play any of their "Rap" songs but procedded to play the entire "Pollywog Stew" EP alternating between Madonna hits, it was classic.

The few days they were in town was a fucking blast, and i was inspired to take some great pictures of them. Back stage with all the megastar's who had no idea who these kids were, up in Malibu along the Pacific Coast Highway, more with the megastars at Madonna's first gold record party, all the time while the boys management company wanted me to get a shot of them with Madonna, who refused to be photographed at all (we ended up just posing in front of a poster of her and in the audience while she was on stage - see below).

And last but not least, I brought them down to KXLU, the best college radio station in the area if not the state, where i was a guest frequently on a few different programs, one where i hosted myself, with my friend Basheer Muhammad, and then of course the other with our friend Adam Bomb (Pat Hoed). Pat was happy to have them on and certainly hip to what they were doing, so it worked out great. Both parts of the interview are now on iTunes and can be downloaded for free! So if you're a fan in
any way of the Beasties this is
a must for you, before any albums or hits were ever recorded when the boys were as unadulterated as they could be. click here for
PART 1, here for
Now the even better reason for me to post this is to show you a few of the photos taken in those few days, most notably the ones we took on the Loyola Marymount (KXLU) campus just after the interview. (Above and below with the boombox).

And a Bonus shot of the Boys with David Lee Roth and Sean Penn from the above mentioned party (Where Sean of course was still "courting" Madonna -remember those days?)
click on any image to see it larger.