Who was Paul Haven? He was the art director at SkateBoarder magazine during it's entire run in the 70's, right through the last issue of Action Nowmagazine in the early 80's. As a youngster, he was my first encounter with art direction. He had a great aesthetic, although a bit typical of the era, it was still at times progressive too. He did good, clean, sharp work, like all of the Surfer publications of the day. A big inspiration to my page aesthetic forever. He also worked on Super-X magazine with me and several of the other old crew in the late 90's. Last time i saw him was at my L.A. sixspace show in 2004.

"King James" Cassimus told me just last night that it was a very sudden death, happened Saturday evening, caused by pneumonia. James also sent me the above photo of Paul at the magazine offices from 1979.
I first met (as did several others), infamous and now world famous art director David Carson while he was filling in for a vacationing Paul way back then as a substitute AD at SkateBoarder. I always thought Paul was way better. He respected the work of those who he worked with, didn't over design or care to bring attention to his own skills, he presented his pages like a professional, to help tell the story, not to take it over or demean it (unfortunately i can't say that about Carson and so many other AD's these days).
He will be missed, my sincere condolence to the family and friends.
I worked with Paul as a (intially under-qualified) graphic designer and later a (perfectly qualified) web developer for approximately 5 years. He gave me the opportunity that many others wouldn't, due to my lack of 'formal' education, but (I'm assuming here) he saw something in me and was willing to invest in that. We had plenty of personal differences but he was my Mentor and had an amazing eye that I've since rarely seen in AD Men. I will always respect him for giving me the knowledge that eventually started my own career and business, and for jump-starting the professional lives of many people I know and love today. (My Creative Director was also originally a Paul Haven prodigy, working for him only 4 or 5 years before I did.) He will always be remembered because he influenced too many not to be. You'll be missed Sir.